March – May update

A lot has happened since our last update…

  • Tintin, our border collie, unfortunately wasn’t happy here with us and went back to the Blue Cross, he gave it a good go, but he developed a fear of horses and cats; Since then he has been re-homed with his brother.
  • We’ve had our 1st two weddings of the year.
  • The wet windy weather has blown down several trees in our woods and…
  • … we’ve started preparing the play area for the coming brighter, warmer and drier weather, ready for the children and young-at-heart adults.

Our 1st wedding, back in April evolved around a bird theme; in keeping with this Georgina and Philip hired some birds to attend their wedding.  They weren’t the usual pigeon, swallow type of bird but very special ones from the Haven Falconry.  One of these birds, the Barn Owl, was entrusted to be the ring bearer:

These birds of prey are specially trained to fly from their handler to another place, and the wedding group and guests had fun getting to know the birds before the ceremony started; this also involved a small briefing on how to handle them.